
This is a unique and extremely fun instrument! The melodica is a free-reed instrument, fitting somewhere between an accordion and a harmonica. It is played by blowing air through the mouthpiece attached either to the body of the instrument, or to the detachable flexible tube. Melodies are played with the keyboard body.

Since the mouthpiece can be attached to a flexible tubing, the instrument can even be played laying down on a table, making learning new pieces much easier. 

The melodica is perfect for children and adults, musical beginners and experienced alike.

The instrument is made from ABS Plastic, making it completely non-toxic and making it super easy to clean.

This melodica covers three octaves, with 37 notes ranging from F4-F7.

Comes with semi-hard padded carry case.

  • Includes:
  • 1 x Melodica
  • 1 x Mouthpiece
  • 1 x Flexible Tube
  • 1 x Carry Case
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